About to get started with new GridBot v2 build

these are the files I updated for the 1.3 build. you could diff them with the current marlin codebase to see what was changed.

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Sorry for being unclear in my post. I was speaking about the difference in SKR v1.3 and v1.4 configuration.

hi, im intending on building the gridbot v2 3d printer as a college project and i had some questions before i start. 1. am i able to use v slot 2020 extrusion with 6mm channel instead of the t slot in the build, if so would it affect any parts in the build 2. for the printed parts what type of filament would you recommend 3. have you updated the CAD to include the 3d printed parts for squaring the axis of the extruder rail 4. how many t nuts are required and are they all m5 only 5. would you recommend i mill the edges of the t slot/v slot for a nice flush fit 6. what size ribbon cable would i need for the camera, i can only get 50cm, 100cm or 200cm 7. what voltage heated bed would you recommend 12 or 24

this is probably best answered by @stewart, but here’s what I have to add

  1. I don’t see why not. Either should work fine
  2. I guess you can just use whatever you feel comfortable with. I followed @stewart’s recommendation and used Ziro Carbon Fiber PLA. Worked great. Some parts i decided to SLA print instead
  3. It’s in the CAD and worked well for me. Just look for hidden parts
  4. Not sure, but probably just get one or 2 packs of 100. I think most are M5, but for the enclosure you might need a couple of M3
  5. It depends on the quality of your profiles. I ordered mine at Misumi and they worked out well without any additional milling.
  6. Depends a little on your cable management. 100cm should be sufficient. 200 will be a bit long.
  7. I’d recommend 24v

@ferschke Thanks for this reply. I’ve been busy / offline mostly for a few days. I agree with your answers.

Thanks Ferschke for the quick reply and thanks Stewart for confirming I will start ordering stuff now .

The M3 2020 nuts I used were for the linear rails. I think all the other stock ones are M5. I am also pretty sure every M5 went into a nut. When you buy small quantities of acrews and nuts you are paying for the counting. It is quickly cheaper to buy 100 packs for anything over just a couple. Extras don’t hurt either.

Good to know thanks jeffeb3. ran in to some trouble trying to get the 2020 from misumi uk site they emailed me to basically say i need to run a company to buy from them bit of a pain … ive got me brother in-law on it lol.

It’s like you live on the other side of the planet :). I would assume there is some importer in the UK for it, but I know very little about buying stuff there.

If I were going to cut it myself, I would check that my miter saw was cutting very square and I would cut the lengths at the same time (not all 12, just 4 at a time for X, Y, Z). There is a little flexability in the design. You can have an end be a little out from flush. But it would be more rigid if they were flush.

any idea on how many rolls of the Ziro Carbon Fiber PLA i will need to order to print all the printed parts ?

Depends. Are you printing the parts that are listed as “laser cut” in the BOM? For the parts listed as “3D print”, one spool should be sufficient. I don’t know how much you need of you want to print everything…

@jeffeb3 might know

just the printed parts i will get the other laser cut

I’d say a spool is sufficient then - even if you go solid for everything.

how long did it take you to print all your bits ? im thinking of renting a 3d printer at the library lol

Really hard to say. I finished printing within a couple of days using 2 FDM printers and one SLA printer. But how many hours of print time it actually was, I couldn’t say. Also, there were a couple of redos when I didn’t like the outcome of a print or the settings needed to be tweaked.

If you know what printer you are going to use, you could slice the models with a profile for your printer and then you’d have an estimate.

they have these 3d printers — 3DS Cube X Duo----- MakerBot Replicator 5th Generation------ MakerBot Replicator Z18------ UP! Plus 3D Printer(looks very small). not sure what’s fastest

Is there a librarian that can help? They would know a lot more about these machines. The speeds are very machine dependent.

One 800kg spool should be plenty. I used 500g spools of protopasta and I printed the flat parts and had to change spools. But I had already started using the first spool. So :man_shrugging:. I would guess just the 3D parts is going to be much less plastic. A few days should be plenty. I would probably schedule extra time so you can learn and not be stressed. I don’t know how expensive that is at your library. But I would plan on two rentals. One to sort of figure it out and print some parts and then prepare more with that knowledge for the second rental. If you manage to hit a home run, you could do it in the first rental. But I wouldn’t want that kind of pressure while learning a new (pretty complicated) skill.

its said on the site that they train you up first :wink: https://fablabdevon.org/membership-2/ this is there site . £20 per machine or 12 month membership for £72 i think lol

should be able to get the 3d printed parts and laser cut parts for free at collage but don’t know if another lockdown will happen before i get the chance so I’m looking in to back up plans just encase lol

got a few questions any chance you can help me out.

  1. how long are the upper and lower xy belts ? the BOM said 10metres each seems over kill ! lol.would 5metres do both ?21/2 each!
  2. what extruder drive would you say it a good fit for the build ?
  3. SKR V1.3 vs SKR V2.0 same price in the uk so should i grab the SKR V2.0 ?
    4.did you add a power switch to your GridBot and is that what the two square laser cut holes in the back of the case are for (in cad)?
  4. what other bits did you have to get to complete your build that are not in the BOM or CAD ?