- I cut the X & Y belts from one 10M spool of G2
- Any number of cheap options like this one
- I haven’t looked at the SKR V2 but I’m worried it’s not the same as the 1.3 and 1.4 boards
- I’ve made lots of little tweaks to each printer which are hard to track I recommend getting the base setup working and start playing.
- There should be a power switch in the BOM
Is there an SKR 2.0? Or do you mean the SKR mini V2?
The mini is usually used as a drop-in replacement for other boards, but it’s not as flexible as the regular SKR.
I’d stick with SKR 1.3 or 1.4 instead of the mini.
the SKR mini V2. so that’s a no go on the mini then . how about the 1.4 turbo it has a faster processor i think but not sure if that matters when theres a pi in the set up?
- I’d certainly add 3mm and 5mm T-nuts to the BOM
- After some discussion with the local people I bought SKR 1.4 turbo. Still did not arrive though.
The processor doesn’t really matter. Unless you are doing some wild things, the 8bit mega still has plenty of speed for marlin.
The turbo seems like a good board though. I just got one sent to me. I am thinking of putting it in my old printer.
The actual belt length is about 4xX + 4xY. Those X,Y are the 450mm size, not the 300mm travel distance.
So 4x450mm+4x450mm = 3600mm. And then a little more for loop backs and stuff like the diameter of the pulleys.
5m should be fine. But I always have extra. There is no way to stretch a belt if you cut it too short .
I’ve ordered the 1.4 turbo from amazon I’m not up for waiting 2 months to get one from china for cheaper lol . Im having trouble finding the
LMK8LUU https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Flange-Linear-Bearings-Length/dp/B07H93T2YK the nearest i can find in the uk are the same but they have a square base not round its these… https://www.amazon.co.uk/sourcing-map-LMK8UU-Square-Bearings/dp/B07H96WCZJ/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=sourcing+map+LMK8UU&qid=1601079311&sr=8-2 .
and im having trouble finding chromed 400mm x 8mm shaft do you think these will do ? https://it-tech-uk.com/transmission/156-stainless-steel-304-grade-round-shaft-3d-printer-cnc-8-20mm.html#/84-diameter-8mm/1355-length-400mm . and for my final question should i get the 12v or 24 volt extruder ? many thanks
if you can’t find the LMK8LUU, I have extra and can ship you some. As for the shafts, if they’re the right diameter and length, you’re all good.
I’ve found some of the LMK8LUU now . just got to wait 2-3 weeks for delivery thanks for offering tho much appreciated
which E3D V6 is in this build is it Bowden or Direct Drive and is it 12v or 24
my best guess is its a E3D V6 Bowden 24v just double checking before i order it
Yes, it’s a E3D V6 Bowden 24V.
@jeffeb3 just designed a gantry for direct drive, if you’re interested. I’m doing Bowden for now, but the direct drive version looks good too.
Thanks for that will order it now . that sounds interesting mate post me link
I ordered parts to model and build a direct drive. Will post an updated CAD model when it’s tested and ready.
sounds like a good plan . I’m sure you guys with have it sorted in no time . Ive ordered most the bits now just got these things left now.
extruder drive
bl touch extension (what size will do i can only get the 1.5m one will that do ?)
bed cork
bed surface ( what would you guys say is the best all rounder )
bed heater ( ordered this 330x330mm is it ok ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293714969173 )
60mm fan
do i need a cable to connect the pi to the main board if so what one and how long do i need it to be ?
many thanks and sorry for all the questions!
I’m really curious to see what you think. Let me know how it goes.
- I got the 2M bl touch extension
- Every bed surface has trade-offs. Of my 4 printers, 2 are Anycubic, 1 is a mirror, and 1 is the WhamBam PEI plate. The 3 glass beds all have BuildTak stickers on one side and I can flip them for my desired build.
- Make sure the bed handles 24V
- You probably need a 1.5 or 2 meter USB cable
I received “square” LMK8LUU too… Should not be a big problem I hope, since the hole placement is the same, I believe.
I suppose that the reason that we are having troubles with round LMK8LUU is that there is some misunderstanding in the part numbers. As you can see here:
some sources use LMF8LUU part number which is round while LMK8LUU is square.
shouldn’t be a problem
Tested a new bracket for direct drive today. Seems to work ok. Will start a new post when the model is ready.
I haven’t reported on my progress in a while. I’ve been busy with other things around the house, but I was able to do some wiring last weekend. Still need to hook up a few more things and then it’s time for belts and firmware. It’s getting colder here in Pittsburgh, so my outdoor time might be replaced with more basement time soon.