KM 2.3.Dx feedback

That’s what I supposed. My test was ran just before creating the entry so it’s probably not related to the fix you sent a few days ago, more probably with some other fix today.

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I sent via discord an export that demonstrates the last two things.

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much appreciated. will definitely aid in debugging.

I’ll discord a counter-example.

The code linked above is still in current version and the example suggests that it’s still active.

The code. Speculated relevance above. “Above” is here.

UI trivia: this bit of the help page looks odd.

About “UI strangeness” - here’s a predictable scenario where I can’t delete a part. I’m not sure, but this might account for all instances of “can’t delete”.

  1. CAM something in KM-in-Onshape
  2. Go cut that/take a break/whatever
  3. Onshape times out inactive session - says refresh browser to continue
  4. Return to KM-in-Onshape to CAM something else - before Onshape session authentication times out
  5. Refresh browser
  6. Onshape refreshes session
  7. KM retains state
  8. On reload by Onshape, KM opens part import dialog
  9. KM still has the last part on the worksurface
  10. Try to delete old part before importing new part - click selects the part, so the UI appears ready to interact while the import dialog is open, then it’s unexpected that the part can’t be deleted.

Is this possibly just “delete-key-isn’t-registering”? because there is a known issue with keyboard focus and iframes. KM is iframed in Onshape and doesn’t reliably receive the focus. After you select the part, click any point on the left or right menu before hitting the delete key. Tell me if that works. I just reproduced this exact scenario.

the tolerance code is in that shared section, but it’s only supposed to be active during contouring. cuts with a z delta should not be allowed in roughing or outlining. I will fix that. thanks for the example.

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That’s very plausible. I’ll try next time I run into the timeout scenario.

you don’t even need a timeout to reproduce this

I couldn’t figure out how to repro at will. How, please?

Yup. That works. Helpful to know. Thanks.

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I feel somewhat optimistic that I have located and resolved this issue in 2.3.1