Unable to clear all material on stepped external geometry

I am trying to figure out how to clear material down to a surface with an external step in it below the top face of a part. I have attached a screenshot as an example, but I have encountered this on other parts.

Basically, roughing works great, however, the roughing pass creates a seam where you can see that bit of material should be removed, but is not.

The way I am able to get this result is using a roughing pass, then the outline pass. However, outline is not able to “clear faces” like rough is able to do, thus it does not interpolate Z down to the surface.

I am looking into this further, and I think it would make sense to modify the outline tool to be able to do the same thing the roughing tool does. I do not understand the code of the roughing operation to know if that could be modified to remove the material.

If there was an option to rough relative to the slice above a face, it could improve this behavior but I would need to dig more.

Any thoughts on this?

the pocket or trace operations could solve this. hard to tell without the workspace or part. can you drop either of them here. workspace is files → export to produce .kmz file. or email to me if it’s not something you want public [ sa at grid dot space ]

I tried doing this with pocket, I did not realize I needed to increase the expand setting. That did the trick in opening up that area. I sent you the KMZ file since I am new to the forums. I do want to give you a huge thanks for all of the work you’ve put into making this cool tool.

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