Hello, new to Kiri:moto, I have a drilling and a profile outline cut. We use two different tools for these.
All assigned in the window, when I output the G-Code it doesn’t insert the 2nd tool change?
Do I have to trigger a tool change?
Verifying here and in Discord that this is a bug and will be patched today. Thanks for the heads up.
I also experienced this bug on web version. bug only happens on browser but not on v4.0.24 local windows version
interesting. still not working for you in 4.0.28? I haven’t been able to replicated the bug since I pushed that update. if it’s still not working in 4.0.28, please email your workspace .kmz
(files → export) to [ sa at grid dot space ]
Just tried it on 4.0.28 and it works. This issue was experienced on 4.0.26/7 a few days ago. You move fast
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