I created a string of text in inkscape. Converted to path, and exported in SVG. When I import into dragknife, it looks fine, the slice looks fine, but the preview does some weird things with the letters. I exported the gcode and opened it in nc viewer and it looks just like the preview. Am I missing a step or is this a bug. Thanks in advance!
BTW, Great software! Really makes my 3018 CNC useful!
make sure layout -> grouped
is checked to keep the letters together.
Hi thanks. I tried both with and without and get the same result. Also does the exact same thing on both web and installed versions. I can try a different font etc. Let me know what else you think may be causing it. Thanks!
Just as an experiment, I used another font and saved as both an inkscape svg and plain svg. Both exhibited the same issue. Really odd.
it would help me debug if you used Files -> Export
and sent me the .kmz
file either DM on Discord or email to [ sa at grid dot space ]
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