Simple hole cut out

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I have been at this all day. I have 25 holes to cut out of a round object. I try every operation and get no tool paths when I hit slice. My selection size, my STL is 400x400x35mm but when I put that in stock size the same size, my box on the screen is so much bigger.Its a flat box shape with holes in the top. I just need the holes cut out. I have been looking at tutorials all morning. Ive used Cambam but I do not understand many of the terms here, like “z anchor, when stock z exceeds part z” “controls position of part”. Sorry too many questions. I just want to start in the middle as that is the bearings cut in a wheel and has a circle of holes for a ring of magnets.sorry I tride to make it understandable. Im in cam mode, stock and stl are the same size, I get no tool paths. thanks

Try now. Can you share your workspace .kmz (files → export)?

workspace_bearingmagnet_cutout.kmz (559.9 KB)

I did not try rough. Oh! the stock height. As soon as I ask. Im getting close but Im still cutting the top when I put all zeros in stock height. I tried -.01

update as Im getting closer. workspace_bearingmagnet_cutout.kmz (617.0 KB)
Just need it to stop cutting the top and I can not find where the depth in increments is it looks like it is making 2 passes in a 5mm hole. Thanks

I’m sorry again. I have been at it since last night but as soon as I ask I get it. I think I will leave this for inspection. Thanks
workspace_bearingmagnet_cutout good.kmz (578.4 KB)

clear faces inserts step downs for any flat Z face. if you set to 3mm and the bottom is 5mm you’ll get two step downs. if you want finer control of the process, use either a pocket or trace and select the areas per operation that you want to cut

Thanks alot. I found a good tutorial.
I have, I believe, just one more trouble, Its cutting 1/2 tool size 3.175mm 1/8 inch short/small but I can not find that in settings. Outside to outside is 444.5 but I get 438.15mm

which operation are you using? pocket, trace, or roughing? if trace, you need to select inside and then it’s calculated using the tool diameter

pocket thanks Im using pocket

OK thanks I selected the bottom face only in pocket.

Have you created a 1/2" tool and used that? It’s not in the workspace you sent

Thanks thanks, No I think I was just being dumb. The 1/8 inch smaller size I was looking at in Gcode sender was not small. it measured the tool path not the cutout. Nothing was wrong. I should have used a test run on scrap. I’m just double checking everything as it took me a week to prepare the stock, the wheel. Thanks Stewart. I just got it. edit, alot of time on a problem that did not exist.

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