Problems with Kiri:Moto extrusion

So, I build a printer profile within Kiri:Moto. I exported gcode and previewed it in Simplifty3D. Everything looked good.
When trying to print, the initial purge is normal, but then when the actual print would start, no filament was extruded.
The hotend was not clogged.
Upon comparing it to a S3D slice of the same model with the same settings, the extrusion amounts were off by quite a bit.

S3D E 0,789
Kiri:Moto E 0.028

Anyone have any ideas?

Is it maybe an issue with absolute extruder coordinates vs relative?

This is my guess. Change the printer definition so that the gcode header and absolute extrusion boolean are in agreement.

I’ll take a look at that. Thanks.

I have this problem too. I tried to print a model in vase mode today and the purge iis fine but no extrusion when the print starts.

This is what I set up:

Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 22.00.15 Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 21.59.58

I fist left the top/solid/base-layer as default and choose vase type but after slicing I still had walls so I had to zero all layers to get the model hollow.

Just in vase mode or for all prints? Do you have an M82 or M83 in your gcode header?

Only in Vase mode. I have not M82 nor M83 in the header. I think it retracts too much so the filament never extrude.

Can you add an M82 or M83 in your header? That will ensure no confusion on the mode that your firmware is in.

I’ll try that and hope it solve the issue.

I’m guessing this is on the new GridBot with the Duet controller?

Stewart - I am going to give this a go with my students this week. Any suggestions for making vase type work in Kiri:Moto with our Ender 6 printers?

As long as the model is suitable, Kiri:Moto default profiles with vase mode set for infill should work well. You may want fewer shells (like 1 or 2) instead of the default of 3. Other than that, typical 3D printing advice: slower is usually better :wink:

Many thanks Stewart! I will give it a try!

Vase mode works well - and so quickly!
Thumbs up!

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