Outline "clear top" starting at top of part, not stock, when "outside only" isn't checked (2022 bug returns?)

I’m encountering the same bug as this person reported in 2022: Outside-only outline starting at top of part, not top of stock - #9 by stewart

To summarize - I have a part with Z anchor set to bottom, and an outline operation with “clear top” checked. However, if anything other than “outside only” is checked, the paths for clearing the top start at the part top and go upwards to the stock top.

I tested this in multiple versions and it seems like the bug was re-introduced in 3.8 - the “clear top” function works as expected in 3.7.

can you send me a workspace the replicates this? it’s working as I would expect in my tests. [ sa at grid dot space ] thanks

just sent! lmk if that works for you

Thanks for the workspace. I’m looking at it and the first cut plane is at the step down depth below the stock surface. I get the same top Z depth regardless of what which options I check.

Huh, that’s odd - I’ve uploaded a screen recording of what I’m seeing here (forum wouldn’t let me attach it): https://ninja.dog/whRHJZ.mp4

ok, I was being dense. this is a simple fix. pushed to production. you may need to shift + reload the page to clear your cache.


awesome, it’s working for me now - thanks so much for your work on this amazing tool!

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