New to KiriMoto - Shopbot

Hi, all. Thanks to the Steward and community for KM. It’s super rad.

I am teaching a digital fabrication course to art and design students, and was absolutely dreading showing them how to use Vcarve for our Shopbot (because I think it is weird to use and also because it is on a Windows machine that takes about 5minutes to have a flash drive show up, 20 minutes to boot etc.) I wasn’t having a lot of luck with Fusion, even though it is working great for our MR-1 metal cutting mill. Found KM, messing around with it for a few hours, pasting in some headers etc from a file I created in Vcarve, and IT WORKS!. If anyone has any suggestions for improving it etc I am not married to any of my settings. But this is the file I am giving my students to setup KM for our Shopbot in case it is useful to anyone else. (I would upload, but I guess I can’t do that because I am a new user:)

Next up is seeing if I can get the post to work on our MR-1. I have high hopes.

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Welcome, Phil. Thanks for the device profile. I’ll look at adding it to the next build/release. I’ve bumped your account so you can post files now.

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Had a bunch of students cutting with KM and the Shopbot yesterday - all is going well. Super, super love how fast it is. Here is the setup file I was talking about. Still working pretty well. The SB is throwing one code error at the beginning, can’t remember what the message is but will post when I see it. But I just continue from it and all goes well. (5.4 KB)

That’s great. If you can report the error, I will look into it. I added a “Shopbot Basic” profile to the current KM production build based on your last submission. It looks similar to this. Can you test that out for me?

Thanks again

Will do. Thanks! And will report what the error is right away.

BTW - I just tested KM on our Langmuir MR-1. It works great as long as I remove the tool change code, change the filetype to .nc and set the build size up to 500x500x150mm (it’s a little bigger than that but I thought this was a good safe start:) KM rules! I just modified the LinuxCNC preset with those values. I attached the .km that is working so far. I have only tested outline so far… (5.0 KB)

Great! I’ll add it, too.

The new profile you added works great, is giving the same error as mine. M6, attached. The machine does continue to run if you hit OK, so I assume this is about taking out the tool change code again. It’s interesting that my other machine would not continue with that code in it. Thanks again, this is the best.

I can remove the tool change macro. Better, if you know what the command format is for tool change is on Shopbot, I can add that instead.

Cool. I will create a multi tool file in the car and see if I can figure that out. Thanks!

I keep forgetting to check out the tool change code for the Shopbot. But here is my updated MR-1 definition if it’s useful. I think I just changed something about the spindle on feature. But I have maybe 30 hours on the machine now, all is working well. I haven’t tried adding tool pause/change stuff to it either. (5.0 KB)

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