Hi all I’m having issues with getting the firmware compiled for my gridbot 2 build ive been trying to follow a YouTube guide but im having problems with Visual studio code on windows pc when i try to install platmormIO it starts installing then tells me it cant install python 3.6 it tells me to then download python from the python site and after ive installed it i have the same problem stuck in a loop lol can anyone help or recommend a different software that will do the same job
Life’s been easier since I gave up on Windows in 2000
Did you reboot after installing Python?
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I’m trying to do it on my spare pi now and ive got past that headache now lol thanks tho windows did seem to be the problem with that. ive found a site with what looks to be a good guide for wiring the board and the rest
will help anyone setting up skr 1.4 or turbo.
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I got fed up with it back when Windows 98 was the best thing since sliced bread, except it would blue screen several times a day, each time taking about a half an hour to run scandisk on boot.
ive worked out that problem turned out my Comodo was sandboxing it lol but didnt work that out till many many attempts to do it on the raspberry pi (kept crashing during build lol)