Leveling operation problem (CAM)

I have a strange behavior with the level operation. Ah the end of the path, the tool plunges into the wood. As a result, there is a final Gcode with a Z-8.0 (which obv causes CNC problem) command : G0 Z-8.0 F300

This Z coordinate is with a Z clearance = 5. The weird par is that if I change the Z clearance, this list Z Gcode changes. For exemple, with a Z clearance = 15, the final Gcode command is G0 Z2.0 F300.

Same behavior with any tool and any machine. Basic Kiri:Moto configuration.

Any idea ?


when you have an odd case like this, please attach the workspace (files → export → .kmz). if you can’t drop it here, then file an issue or email it to me [ sa at grid dot space ]


I just emailed you the workspace file. Thanks for your quick answer !


thanks for the test case. I’ve got a fix for this pushed to the 4.1 branch. will push to production later this week.

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That was quick wow, thanks !
