Invalid z bottom 0.486 >= bounds z max 0.486

I’m trying to use the CLI with the following model. When I run, I get the following error:

node ./src/kiri-run/cli.js --model=/home/emanuelhuber/Downloads/nose_mouth_01.stl --device=./src/cli/kiri-cam-device.json --process=./src/cli/kiri-cam-process.json --tools=./src/cli/kiri-cam-tools.json
localStorage disabled: application may not function properly
kiri | init work | 4.0.D1
{ version: '4.0.D1' }
{ error: 'invalid z bottom 0.486 >= bounds z max 0.486' }

I’m able to load into the web application without this error. I used the default json files from the repository. What am I missing? I tried other files, but the error persists

Update: This error occurs with the default stl model, therefore, the following command will produce the same error

node ./src/kiri-run/cli.js --device=./src/cli/kiri-cam-device.json --process=./src/cli/kiri-cam-process.json --tools=./src/cli/kiri-cam-tools.json 
>>> kiri | init work | 4.0.D1
>>> { version: '4.0.D1' }
>>> { error: 'invalid z bottom 25 >= bounds z max 25' }

can you try checking out the rel-3.9 and rel-3.8 tags and see if the error is present there, as well?

Hello @stewart , I’m getting the same error Uncaught (in promise) invalid z bottom 8.296 >= bounds z max 8.296.

I’m using the last version 3.9. Using the online demo and importing the same stl file I can export without issues. I think it could be something related to the process configuration. Any idea?

BTW, is it possible to export the json configuration (device/process/tools etc) from the online demo version?


Which online demo? Is the stock size hard coded or relative to part dimensions?

This one: Kiri:Moto

I also tried the local docker version running:

kiri | init work | 4.0.D1
kiri | init pool | 4.0.D1 | 10
kiri | init main | 4.0.D1

from the web version all works fine, trying the cli version with node I get the error. Like @ehs I’m importing the json config files from the src/cli/ directory.

I didn’t understand your last question. Could you explain? Thanks

@stewart To reproduce the error, just use the demo stl file and:
node src/kiri-run/cli.js --device=./src/cli/kiri-cam-device.json --process=./src/cli/kiri-cam-process.json --tools=./src/cli/kiri-cam-tools.json

You will get:
error: 'invalid z bottom 25 >= bounds z max 25'

I dug into this and unfortunately, it is a bit more complex to fix based on the way stock requirements and calculations have changed. but it should only affect the command line and not the UI

If I’m not wrong, the UI version update the platform bounds (in particular the z top of the widget) before slicing.

This doesn’t happen in the cli, also the platform is not available in this case.

@stewart my first requirement is find a way to get the time estimation (like happen when exporting with the UI) from a node instance. Any suggestion?


I spent a while digging into it and the obvious fixes will introduce potential artifacts and bugs in the UI. I need to refactor / simplify all of the env variable calcs and then re-distribute them to the ops.

Until that is resolved, there is no other good way to get an time estimate from the command line

Hi @stewart , ok, thanks for your feedback.
I don’t want to rush you, how long do you think it will take?

truthfully, I’m not sure when I’m going to have time. hopefully in the next couple of months.