I have been using the layered slicing options for laser in order to create rough models in cardboard of a final 3D object.
Would it be possible to add a check box to number the layers in the un-merged visualization/export? I currently do this manually so that I can do a light marking operation on the numbers, making final assembly much easier?
Many thanks, amazing software
are you talking about generating layer #s on the exported SVG? or just in preview? you have the option to have the exported layout use Z height for placement (top/right = zmaz to bottom/left = zmin) instead of default “packing”
Yes, having the layer numbers in the actual export. I currently use your suggested method of having the layers output in a known order, and then manually number them.
What I am doing is laser cutting the layers, with an etched number on the piece (the layer number) to aid assembly. See the image to see a finished project I made with your tool
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got it. I filed an issue so I won’t forget.