Getting a stl from the part with Infill

Hi there, Maybe my topic tittle looks strange. But it would be very practicable to have a tool that take a stl and create a stl file with a simulated infill of choice.
It would probably force the slicers to work as they would print 100 % Infill.
But I am allways baffled to see that no slicer propose the export of the part with a simulated infill. I am sure this may cause issue and novel challenge but I see numerous possibilities. I knew a trick to get a stl part with support in prusaslicer by using the resin printer profile. so for me ot is like it does exist a basic possibility to do so.

It’s certainly possible as long as the model is properly manifold. It could be quite expensive computationally and memory intensive depending on size, infill type, etc.

What would your use case be? Once a solid is hollowed out and infill added, it will explode in size and also be dramatically more difficult to slice properly.

Hi stewart, thank you for your answer, I know some companies doing that.
The ones involved in metal 3d printing. The use case is dual getting a partt which is probably lighter on one hand. On the other hand achieving Unmatched geometries.
Like the aluminium sponge porous hierarchical structure which presents improved rigidity/stiffness.
Have a nice day!

Hi Stewart I came on this tool quite funny Spirulae | Web-Based Math Visualization ( I used the engine and the possibility to export rendered stl 3d gyroid! it was fun enough to play with the toy made by Harry Chen.

Actually I believe you know this one as the spiritdude has writen something on his blog.

it would surprise me if the slicers for metal printing didn’t already do this, too. another consideration, like with hollowing and filling SLA structures, is drainage. this would be harder to automate since that would depending on the printing orientation, aesthetics, and port size needed depends on material properties.

sure they do smthg like that it is possible. you are right if we want the slicer to export with the infill the model must get simplified to reduce the polygon numberas the same time