Cannot find in latest edition?
I don’t understand the question. Are you looking for a different version of Kiri:Moto?
Sorry I loaded 2 similar parts from stl. One file. I cannot get them to move as described in video. Free layout is checked in pref? Can I split
Them to move to fit wood? Cannot make move?
Kiri does not have a tool to separate multiple bodies in a single STL. Mesh tool (Mesh:Tool) does have the ability to do this.
- import your part
- select the part (turns green)
- menu Object → Isolate
- hit key to remove original part
- select one of the bodies under the group menu
- shift + G (regroups parts)
now your parts are separate. you can select one at a time (only one is green) and export it as a separate part. attaching a youtube example
Thanks for the help!