Ease down, straight plunge first step down height problem

Hi everyone,
I am using Kiri:Moto to mill some holes in a plate.

The problem however is when i choose option ‘Ease down’, so the endmill will come spiraling down. Then the first cut in the material is a straight plunge at the depth of the first ‘step down’ depth.
For example: if i set my step down at 1mm, the mill will first plunge in vertical/straight and the next step will happen spiraling.

I have bypassed this problem temporary by choosing a stock height of 1mm extra. Then zero the bottom of the endmill with a 1mm spacer between the workpiece and the bottom of the endmill so the depth of the final cut is correct.

Can this ‘Bug’ be fixed?
Or make an option to start the spiral a certain value above the work piece, so that first contact with the workpiece will be a spiraling movement instead of a straight plunge?

You can see the straight down movement in the printscreen picture attached.

ease down has several deficiencies since it is not implemented in every part of the path generator. it requires refactoring because it does not always have the necessary information. unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix. but it is on my TODO list.

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