Contour operation ignores safe Z height

Here is the file: Kirimoto workspace - Google Drive

It seems that G0 are not moving at safe heights except for a few passes.

I am using v4.0.24 on windows, but it seems to happen in other versions too.

IDK if this is a bug or a user error. perhaps I am missing something.

are these the problematic passes? you can enable force z max under output and it will not attempt to detect interference (which is probably too close in this case and the tool may leave a mark if it’s metal).

I should make contour areas selectable like pocket… it’s a fair bit of work so maybe I can add it as a pocketing option … linear vs concentric.

Ok I tried force Z max and that is what I was looking for. So user error on my part.

This is with force Z max.

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Workspace file:
force Z max on.kmz (429.5 KB)

Although circled in red it seems to generate small moving tool paths that still do not go to Z max and should be milling tool paths I think.

correct. though it could be a rendering error. next on my list is a refactor of path planning that should clean up a bunch of corner cases like this.

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Nice. I will export and analyse g code and see if it is just a rendering error.

I just checked the exported G code and it seems like all G0 moves are safe. It moves to Z safe before the next G0 then mills at G1.

So it Seems like a rendering error on the preview.

Curve force Z (129.9 KB)

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