Changing the part CNC cut order

I am CNC’ing some parts where I insert some smaller parts into the wasted space. As I am adding these parts afterwards to fill in space they are cut in this order.

I am wanting to change the order so these parts are cut first before the larger outer part is cut.

Is there a way to change the order that parts are cut?
If not, can that be added as a feature request please.


The outer frame (blue) is the first main part.
The green part is 2nd part (to make use of the offcut), same for the yellow which is 3rd.

My work around is to remove the first part and re-add it but sometimes that is not easy.

roughing, outline, and contour are global operations that predate newer operations like trace and pocket that let you selection the region and order of work. I would suggest you do this as a series of pocket and trace operations that you can explicitly order.