Animation erroneously offset only above certain tool diameter

Kiri 4.0.31

I’m generating milling GCODE. It’s a fairly basic design.
There are 1x roughing and 1x outline operations.
In all cases I am using 3.175mm tool for the outline.

  • If I select a 6mm tool for the roughing, all is fine (first screenshot)
  • If I increase this to 12mm, the roughing cuts are all offset by a few mm. as seen in the animation (second screenshot).
    I believe, however, that it’s just the visualisation and the cuts are actually fine.

Sorry, I wasn’t allowed to attach the KMZ (new user?)

Thanks very much

do the preview paths look correct? have you tried increasing the animate value in preferences to get a higher resolution view?

Thanks so much for the quick response.

  • Sorry, I forgot to say that preview paths appear to be correct.
  • I wasn’t aware of the “animate mesh density” setting. Have set that to max (4000) but no change of behaviour.

Many thanks

can you attach a .kmz now or email it to [ sa at grid dot space ] ?

Here goes …

workspace_Part_1.kmz (296.4 KB)

I think that worked.


Got it. This definitely looks like an animation bug. I’ve never tried tools that large. Thanks for the new test case!

Yes, I’m sure you’re right.
Sorry to add to your workload!!

Thanks for looking at this and for all your hard work on Kiri:Moto. It’s much appreciated

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