Add 3MF support in engine

Hi, when only using the engine the parse(data) and load()only seems to support STL:

parse(data) {
        return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
            try {
                let vertices = new load.STL().parse(data);
                this.listener({parsed: data, vertices});
            } catch (error) {

Why not also add support for 3mf using the existing functions?

Thank you,
Atam Panday

certainly doable. very few people use this code and it’s never been requested. I would welcome a PR to make this change. 3MF was added long after the engine code existed

haha I don’t know npm stuff, like e.g. how to build a new engine.js?

But maybe I can help with this?

replace dep: load.stl with load.file?

load(url) {
        return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
            try {
                    .then(response => {
                        if (!response.ok) {
                            throw new Error(`Failed to fetch URL: ${response.statusText}`);
                        return response.arrayBuffer();
                    .then(buffer => {
                        const fileName = url.split('/').pop();
                        load.File.load_data(buffer, fileName)
                            .then(fileDataArray => {
                                fileDataArray.forEach(fileData => {
                                    const { mesh } = fileData;
                                    this.listener({ loaded: url, vertices: mesh });
            } catch (error) {

parse(data, file) {
        return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
            try {
                load.File.load_data(data, file)
                    .then(fileDataArray => {
                        fileDataArray.forEach(fileData => {
                            const { mesh } = fileData;
                            this.listener({ parsed: data, vertices: mesh });
            } catch (error) {

I used AI for this, I’m not a front-end developer so probably full of bugs :slight_smile:

AI code gen is just going to produce trash. let’s not further pollute the internet archive with bad data for it to feed on.

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Can you give some tips how i can generate a new code/engine.js to test locally if I change the code?

have you followed the readme to run everything locally? it’s quite simple

Hi Stewart,

I don’t control my backend.
I can only include the code/engine.js in the frontend. This means, I cannot launch the whole framework using npm/nodejs.

I also miss notes in the Readme how to generate/export a new code/engine.js if I change the code and need to test it. Without testing I cannot work on a PR.
With npm build I can create new:

But not a new engine.js like at
How do I do that?

Thanks, Atam

the code/engine.js file is not present in the file-system because it is a composite of multiple code fragments in the system. it is generated by the back-end server at startup and served from a memory cache.

haha that explains, I will try it out

Hi Stewart, I need some help here.

The original engine.js ( is 942 KiB
When I run locally e.g.

npm i
sudo npm install -g @gridspace/app-server

or on newest branches:

npm run setup
npm run start

I can download it from either

I tried master, rel-4.1 and rel-4.0 branches.
All produce a engine.js of 1.4 to 1.5 MiB which is different.

Also, in my test the original engine works:
this.engine = kiri.newEngine();

However, all the custom builds, with no code change give some error

parse TypeError: r is undefined

So how can I generate the same engine.js locally as the live one?
Which branch is used live?

Once I can reproduce that, I can try and make the change and test it.
But I need the baseline.